Thank you for helping us improve Space Prison!

Here you can suggest improvements for the game or vote on the ones already issued by other players.

If you’d like to report a bug though, please do it through our Steam Discussions:

Rules for making suggestions:

English only please.

Search if the improvement you want to post isn’t already there. If it is - vote and comment.

One suggestion per ticket only (do not put two ideas in one post).

➡ Write an easy to understand headline and a detailed well phrased description!

➡ Stay respectful in the comments.

Thank you for contributing to the development and helping us make Space Prison better for all the players! Have a great game!

Wooden Alien Team

29 votes

Add Healing for Rats

I would like my rats not to die so often. It would be cool if you added a possibility to heal them outside of combat, so they don't die that easily. [Suggestion ...
Suggested by: Hubert Kubit (04 Apr) Upvoted: 10 Jun Comments: 0
24 votes

Pet the rats

We can tame rats, and we can manage them in our cell. I'd love to be able to pet them too, at least in our cell! ❤️
Suggested by: SharkyD (05 Apr) Upvoted: 10 Jun Comments: 0
Under consideration
23 votes

Customize rat appearance (accessories)

I'd like to feel more attached to my rats and make them more unique. It'd be awesome if the accessories could be visible in fights and rat management (game party).
Suggested by: SharkyD (04 Apr) Upvoted: 24 May Comments: 0
Under consideration
21 votes

Joining the Second Gang

In the demo you can only join one gang. Will there be a way to join the second gang in the full game? [Suggestion made by a few players in our playtest surveys]
Suggested by: Hubert Kubit (04 Apr) Upvoted: 02 Jun Comments: 0
19 votes

Release rat button

After longer play there are quite a few of rats that survive battles but have low hp like 1-5/20. And because of them the companion inventory is really long. I ...
Suggested by: Carlos (05 Apr) Upvoted: 02 Jun Comments: 3
Under consideration
13 votes

Improve your favorite Rat

being able to have a favorite rat that you can train and improve so that it is stronger than regular rat
Suggested by: Miguel (13 Apr) Upvoted: 10 Jun Comments: 0
8 votes

Take damage if you move during the scan

At the beginning of the game, the voice tell you to "not move to avoid any unnecessary organ damage". It would be fun that the more you move, the more you take damage.
Suggested by: LH (30 Apr) Upvoted: 02 Jun Comments: 0
Under consideration
7 votes

Favourite items

During the gameplay we find some crafting stations in different places (ie. dinning hall, gang). And we have some idea about what we would like to craft. Or we find ...
Suggested by: Carlos (05 Apr) Upvoted: 13 Apr Comments: 2
Under consideration
7 votes

Character customization

Choose what your character's face and/or body looks like cosmetically.
Suggested by: Meanator (01 May) Upvoted: 29 May Comments: 0
Under consideration
7 votes

Be a spy for the other gang

Not sure how feasible this is, but would it be possible to join a gang, but be recruited kind of as a double agent by the other gang? So, you would be fulfilling ...
Suggested by: InGameScientist (11 Apr) Upvoted: 25 May Comments: 0
Under consideration
5 votes

Remove "Fail" Condition For Missions at Lower Difficulty Levels

Early on in the tutorial/demo I found myself in a situation where I couldn't finish a mission because the item I needed to use was seized by a guard. I felt like the ...
Suggested by: Doctor X (20 Apr) Upvoted: 29 May Comments: 1
Under consideration